Friday, September 7, 2007

Poopy Story

Well, remember yesterday when I said I'd try to be back for a lighthearted story, possibly about poop or something? I guess my middle child was listening, bless her heart, because at the very moment I was posting yesterday's blog she was in the other room working on material for today.
I posted my blog, and then went into the living room to check on her. Here she is:

You probably can't tell (I never professed to be a fabulous photographer), but she has a wipey in her hand. And a small stain on her shirt, near her hands. Guess what she's wiping? POOP. Actually, diarrhea. She had apparently been digging in her diaper the whole time I was in here because her hands were covered. And then she got a wipe to clean it. God love her. I can just hear her little thoughts..."Mommy is so happy doing her blog, I gotta give her something good to write I'll just dig in here for a bit and make a funny, cute mess." Mess, yes. Funny, not so much. Cute, always.


Patricia Stuever said...

See this:

That's minor in comparison to what he did with his poopy...

Try that plus face mask...

Let's all say it together "EWWWWW"


Patricia Stuever said...

That was really peanut butter the other episode happened a couple weeks later and was three times as bad at least.

windycindy said...

Hello Dodi, The oldest of my two sons used to hide behind furniture to do his business. He need his privacy at a very early age! Cindi :)