Avery did well this morning. Better than that...she did great. She got up, ate her breakfast, and got dressed when I told her to. She did try to wear her Spiderman pajamas instead of the outfit we agreed upon last night, but she changed willingly when I reminded her that we were going to wear girl clothes to school. We compromised a little bit. She is wearing boxers under her dress and she has a Spiderman lunch box and backpack.
I also got to do something I've been dying to do as long as I can remember. I packed a lunch, complete with fish-shaped sandwich, Snack Pack, and "Mommy love note" on a napkin. It's really a bright day for all of us. And as much as it breaks my heart that she's growing up so fast, I am proud of my little girl. She went into her classroom, sat down in her seat and waited patiently for her teacher to tell her what was coming next. She was calm and strong as Reese wailed and I fussed over her, kissing her repeatedly and telling her we would be back in a few hours. Other kids grabbed at their mom's legs and begged to go home. But not my Doodlebug. She stayed firm, eager to finally experience "big kid school." She is an amazing kid.
I can't believe how much I already miss her. Judging by the way Reese is moping around the house with her fingers in her mouth, I think she misses her too.
oh that made me tear up!!! You poor girls! i bet she had the best day ever, feeling so big too!
It doesn't get any better, even when she is going into 2nd grade. The first day my oldest went to school this year, my youngest and I were lost. It was the longest day ever.
Dodi, I have two sons. One just turned 19 and the other will be 16 next month! I have been a stay at home mom, since my oldest was born. He recently left home for college in another state. I miss him terribly. On the other hand, I am watching him become a wonderful young man.....Cindi
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