In the end, I decided that since, my precious brother, Josh, took the time to call me and suggest that I make these, I would put them on here. Here he was, busy building his house, working hard at the fire station, and taking care of his own kids, when he calls me out of the blue and says this "Hey, Dode (people who know me well call me Dode), have you ever seen a memory box? You know, like you put your kids' little stuff in?"
I say, Yeah, actually, I need some for my kids for their little things, like first pacifier, hospital, bracelet, stuff that won't fit in a scrapbook, but I haven't seen anything cute enough that was cheap yeah...why?
"Well, because Em (his wife), has some of those for the kids and they're made out of like maybe wood or something and they are just, like, painted with stuff like cute stuff for kids and stuff, you know? And she keeps their little stuff in it that she wants to keep, you know? And I thought maybe you could make them since you have that website and people might like them, you know?"
I thought this was absolutely adorable. Besides the fact that I think my brother is just almost perfect anyway, the fact that he took time out of his busy schedule to call and suggest this is just too cute for me! I had to put them on here...
So, if you are interested in a box or whatever to put, like your kid's, stuff in, and you would, like want to pay $25, then let me know!!!
They are made out of a heavy cardboard. The wooden ones are heavy and expensive, and these were perfect for what I wanted...I hope you feel the same!
ahhhhhhhhhhh I want one for Cash...I love it...what a great idea....I love Josh too...he is precious...Hey I need help with something..I will get back with you on what I need your creative mind to make for me!!!
So if you would hurry up and quit rigging the contest then I could afford a memory Love ya!!
Hello, I love your keepsake boxes. I have made them myself. Yours are adorable.....Cindi :)
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