Wednesday, December 31, 2008
What a Loser!
Seriously, though...who wants to go out tonight? I mean, I know it's New Year's and I do wish we were with our friends hanging out, but I really, really don't want to get all dressed up in glitter and heels and be jam packed like sardines with the rest of the DFW area and pay double prices on everything. I'm happy where I am...but there is relatively little chance of me seeing midnight. Four beers by 7:30 p.m.? Yeah, we're doing good if we make it to 9. Luckily, my kids can't tell time.
If you live in Frisco and you hear some random people popping champagne poppers at 8:45 p.m. tonight, it's us, fooling our kids into thinking it's 2009 and time for bed!
Love Y'all!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Business As Usual
P.S. I'm just kidding. I just need to find a babysitter who will keep kids when they are vomiting/snotty/have diarrhea. Overnight.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
It wouldn't be a holiday....
If we can't go to Oklahoma tomorrow as planned, we'll go the next day. Or the next day. We'll keep trying until we get up there, dadgummit.
In the meantime, I'm cooking us our very first at-home Christmas dinner and saying prayers that Jesus and Santa and whoever else is watching over us, will send us an overnight delivery of good health! I wish you all the same. I hope you don't hear from me for the next few days...if you do, it means we're stuck at home with sick babies! :)
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Cold Weather

Funny hats, especially when they don't want to wear them.
My least favorite thing about kids and cold weather:

Gloves for anyone under the age of, oh, seven. Trying to fit fingers in the correct holes is maddening enough. But then, when you finally do get them all in one hole, they have to go potty, taking the gloves off and you have to start all over. Don't they sell mittens anymore?????
Friday, December 19, 2008
Cristy Lane
Thursday, December 18, 2008
A Funny Story
You may remember the weekend that I went to visit my brother, Bo, in Kingsville. Aaron was home with the kids for three nights - the longest he's ever been alone with any of them, much less all three. I must tell you, though, that Aaron is a champ when it comes to taking care of all three kids. I know some people whose husbands can only handle one or two at a time. Not my husband. He may struggle at first, but he gets the hang of it and usually does a fabulous job.
The most important thing to note is that he tries so hard to do things "right." He tries to do things exactly how I would want him to do it - except for all the junk food - and he puts alot of effort into them when he's with them.
So, being the sweet, helpful man that he is, he decided to take them to buy their Halloween costumes that weekend. He knew I was a bit panicky about being gone the weekend before Halloween because weekends are generally my only time to shop. He knew what they wanted and took it upon himself to take care of this daunting chore. He called me that Saturday and told me they had been to a party store and Target, but hadn't found anything yet. He was pulling up to Toys R Us while we chatted. He stopped me mid-sentence, saying "Hey, there's a costume shop right here by Toys R Us. I'm going to go in there for a minute." He kept me on the phone the whole time and the conversation when something like this:
Him: Come on guys, we're going to go see what they have in here.
I hear him getting them all unbuckled and out of the path of moving cars. I can hear the door dinging as they walk in.
Him: Hmmm...this all looks like grown up costumes...let's go check in the back.
I can hear the kids all talking. Avery is looking for vampire teeth and Reese just wants to buy princess stuff.
Him: I don't see any kids' stuff here. What kind of costume store doesn't have kids' costumes?
Me: Hmm, that is weird. Is it just set up for this time of year? Could they be out of everything already?
Him: I don't know...let me look over here. Oh wait. I think this store is just for adults. I see some creams and stuff that looks a bit sexual.
About 4 seconds passes
Him: OH MY GOD, there is a giant dong!!! AVERY, KIDS, LET'S GO! WE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!
I'm just listening, trying not to freak out, but also wondering why is there a giant dong anywhere that my kids are?
Him, (finally outside): Oh God...that was an adult store. Like porn. Oh my god, and I had the kids in there.
He wonders if they saw anything and if so, do they know what it is? Sadly, we'll probably never know. Well, at least until the next parent-teacher conference.
The Secret Club
Seriously, though, I'm totally flattered that any of you read it for more than one day and I mean that. So thanks!
And here's a tiny explanation of the many of you saw, I got a negative comment about a month ago. Of course, I'm not going to shut my blog down over one person's opinion of me, but it didn't stop there. (It never does with these yay-hoos.) Emails started coming and it started yet another conflict with people I don't want to have anything to do with. As much as I loved documenting life at home with my kids and connecting with people over 5 during the day, I started to feel a negative vibe coming over me when I sat down to write anything. I found myself thinking, "What could I say that would really "sting" her without coming out and saying it?" I don't want to be like that. So I just decided to quit it altogether. But then that sucked. I didn't take one picture between last week's "retirement" and today. That really sucks because Lord knows I can't remember anything past one day, much less long enough to save it for when I get around to scrapbooking.
So, there you have it. I have, essentially, reverted back to junior high, rallied all my people around me so that the mean girls can't touch me. Maturity is overrated anyway.
Today's real post coming up.....
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Just call me Brett Favre...
Here's the deal. I love writing about my family...but I don't love that anyone in the world can read about it. My husband loves to read things about the kids and I like sharing with my mom and sister and close friends.
So I'm setting this blog to private...if no one but my husband and I read it, that's ok. But if those of you who sent comments are seriously interested, for whatever reason, in reading, just shoot me an email and I can add you to the "included" list. I will set the blog to private before my next posting.
This way, I get to do what I want to do and I get to decide who is reading and who isn't.
If you think I'm a complete idiot who takes myself entirely too seriously, just hit the red X and pretend you never read any of this.
Thanks again so much for all of your sweet comments. You made me feel so loved! :)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The End of the Line
There are many reasons for this, but the number one reason is that I think it's run its course. I'm sure my kids will continue to do miraculously cute things, but that's what scrapbooks are for.
While I will miss writing and connecting with y'all, I think it's time for me to move on...
Thanks to all of you for reading and being interested in my boring little life!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008
Tipping on the Holidays
On the ride home, I turned up the radio, only to hear Russ Martin and Co. talking about how stupid holiday tipping is. As I listened, my face reddened. Once again, I was a clueless country bumpkin. I've made a list of the ones I remember from yesterday and then others I found online today. See what you think. (I've added my own commentary just to try to make myself feel better.)
Live-in Nanny - (If you can afford one of these, the tip probably isn't a big deal to you) - a cash gift equaling at least one week's pay, plus a nice additional gift from your child.
Regular Babysitter - One night's pay and small gift for child. If regular, weekly service, up to one week's pay. (I would die dead if the parents of the kids I babysit for gave me a week's pay for a gift. I'd return it after I picked myself up off the floor. For once, I'm thankful we don't ever have a babysitter.)
Daycare provider - $25-70 for each person who provides for your children and a small gift from your child. (Day-uhm. That could get pricey....)
Private nurse - small gift from you. (How come the babysitter gets a week's pay and the private nurse, who may change wounds and/or adult diapers, gets a small gift?)
Housekeeper - Up to the amount of one week's pay and/or a small gift. (Glad I don't have a housekeeper so she can't get pissed at me b/c my neighbor gave her a week's pay and I give her a Hallmark ornament.)
Hairdresser/Barber - Cash in the amount of haircut or service provided. ($125 gift for a cut and color? Mine got a milk drink. Poor her.)
Dog walker - One week's pay and/or gift. (Reason number 476 that we don't have a dog. Also, if you have a dog, but no time to walk it, how do you have time to enjoy a dog?)
Mail carrier - Small gift. (Um, my mail carrier has never gotten anything from me except insufficient postage on a package.)
Trash collectors - $20 each. (Again. They've never gotten anything from me but smelly diapers and rotting meat.)
Teachers - Small gift from your child, no cash. (This one burns me on a personal level. As a former teacher, I would venture to say that cash is the number one thing on a teacher's list. I got gift cards all the time when I taught Kindergarten and while I loved the kid-chosen gifts (Half used bottle of Jean Nate or stolen DVD from Kroger), I have to say it sure was fun to get Gap and Starbucks cards. I sure don't understand why a dog walker would get more than the person who gets paid virtually nothing to deal with kids with disabilities, behavior problems, injuries, accidents, etc. So don't skimp on the teacher gift. I am a loser on every category listed above, but I got Avery's teacher something pretty good. Not $100 or anything, but still better than a wooden apple with her name on it.)
Hope this list was useful. Besides making me feel more clueless and ignorant than ever, it also helped me realize why I don't have a gardener, babysitter, or dog.
Have a great day. (I'm off to the closet to find something for the mailman. Do thirtysomething young men enjoy half-burned Yankee candles?)
Friday, December 5, 2008
It's That Time of Year
Well, maybe not so much the forgiveness. I really don't have a problem forgiving people when they ask for it. I grew up in a family where fighting and getting over it were as much a part of life as changing underwear. So I get the whole "I'm sorry, It's ok" part of it all. Here's my problem. The forgetting and the letting go. Maybe it's ok not to forget, but how about letting go of it? This is my issue...if someone has hurt me and they say "I am so sorry I did that. I'm not sure why I said it/did it/felt that way, but I did and I apologize," I think I do a fairly good job of forgiving them. And I really, truly don't hold it against them. Trust me, I've done plenty of crappy stuff and I've been fortunate enough to be forgiven, so I'm not a fan of holding a grudge or refusing to forgive.
But what about this: Someone has hurt you and yet, they either don't think they have hurt you or they refuse to admit that they have hurt you. How do you move on from that? If they don't think they've done anything wrong, how can you be sure they won't continue doing the same thing? How about when you confront someone about how they hurt you and, instead of apologizing, they just start bringing up all the times you've hurt them? How do you get anywhere? If you're dealing with people who just "don't get it," do you keep giving them chances?
Here's my thing...we are all human. We all screw up. We all deserve second, third, fourth chances. But I also believe that you have to set boundaries so that you don't put yourselves in hurtful, negative situations. Being around people who don't feel kindly about you can't be good for your insides.
So what do y'all think? When do you forgive, forget and pretend everything is hunky-dory again and when do you just decide to forgive and then move on, eliminating a person from your life as much as possible?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Great Column in the Washington Post
Ok, now that that's out of the this.
Thanksgiving Pictures

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Seriously, though...besides the fact that we, last minute, decided to go out of town for Thanksgiving, it's been hectic. Reese got a stomach bug while we were in Oklahoma and has thrown up several times a day. Her last episode was around 2:00 yesterday afternoon. I breathed a sigh of relief and thanked God that no one else got it.
But, as usual, I spoke too soon. Rhett woke up in a pile of vomit this morning.
So, while I have some really cute pictures of our time in Oklahoma, I have to spend yet another day, washing towels, sheets and clothes. Plus, there's all the rocking that has to be done. Which I dont mind at all. I just wish I didn't have to get puked on in order to enjoy quiet time with my babies. Oh well, I'll take what I can get.
So please, please keep me in your thoughts (pray that I don't get sick!) and just know that, when I crawl out from under this huge pile of laundry and hose all the vomit off of my clothes, I'll have some fun pics of Thanksgiving and my precious baby nephew, R.J.! :)
Monday, November 24, 2008
Diary of a Bad Mommy (Volume 10)
Sometime around 3:30, I found myself yelling at my kids. I'm not proud of it, but it happens. They had made the 50th mess of the day, left it sitting, and were in the midst of asking me 407 questions, while I answered the third phone call in less then 3o minutes. And I lost it. I just started bitching and didn't stop. I was on the phone with a friend and I forced her to sit and listen to all the bitching.
I felt bad, but not bad enough to stop. I kept going until both girls had retreated to separate corners, in tears. I was happy though, because finally, all the crap on the living room floor had been put away and the kids were out of my hair. Until Avery brought me this note:

My heart softened. This had to be some sort of an apology note. I thought I could make out the word "whining." I called Avery over, just to make sure. "Can you read this to me?" I asked her.
She took the note, and in a very stern voice said "Ok, Mom. I wish you had fun and were good enough to play with us."
Just for that, I'm not writing them an apology note either.
Precious Moments
Friday, November 21, 2008
They Hear Everything
Reese: (in the kitchen, talking to one of her dolls) Oh, Dammit!
Me: What did you say?
Reese: Can we say "Oh, Dammit?"
Me: No. It's not a nice word. Where did you hear that? Please dont say me, please don't say me.
Reese: From my dance class.
Whew. Wait. She isn't in dance class.
Avery, sitting at the dinner table last night, burst into song. So glad she chose this one:
"Dontcha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me? Dontcha."
Note to self: Gotta filter that iPod.
We are all at the chiropractor yesterday for my 2nd adjustment. The kids are looking at x-rays with me.
Avery: Wow, cool! Is that your head? Cool.
Doctor: See how this is kind of crooked? We're going to fix your momma right up so her back won't hurt anymore.
Reese: (Very loudly) Are you gonna fix her BOOTY too????
Doctor: Her booty?
He glances at me with a questioning look.
Me: Ha ha. Um, it's kind of an embarrassing thing.
I start explaining and he interjects with "It's ok. Sounds like a private matter."
That's more embarrassing than just telling him about the stupid boils!
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Not just for cooking anymore....
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
What is it with kids and being naked?
Now their little brother has gotten in on the action. And he's learned that I'm going to try to catch him and dress him, so he tries to find a place to hide.
Sunday, I was getting him dressed and realized I had run out of diapers in the living room. I ran back to his room to get another pack and came back to find him in a spot where you just know he thought I couldn't get to him!

Note: He's carrying his Disney Cars...he had them in his hands while I changed him...and made sure he took them with him when he went AWOL over the gate.
I also like how the gate is strategically placed over his unmentionables. It's like it was planned! (It wasn't.) He's laughing at me, by the way. I feel him saying "Na na nee boo boo! You can't catch me!" I would have punished him for hiding and laughing at me, but I have a feeling that the naked trip over a wood and metal gate was punishment enough.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Kids, We are in a Recession
So, her dad and I proceeded to inform her that we were in a recession, and it hard times like these, we have to make sacrifices. While it would be possible for us to go out to eat tonight, we'd probably have to scratch a few things off the Christmas list. You can guess her response to that. "NO WAY! I want presents! But I still want to go out to eat."
So I came up with a plan. We would go get the money can out of the closet. You know the one...we all have some sort of can/jar/bank that holds all the loose change. If we could roll up enough money to afford dinner out, we'd go.
The bad news: These girls are pitiful at counting and rolling money. So I had to do it all.

The good news? We got $63. I let Avery pick the place. She chose Arby's. We really splurged. Everybody got their own meal. No splitting drinks, fries, etc. And we even stopped for Cold Stone ice cream on the way home. And Momma still has $25 left. Woo hoo! Party at my house. Oh, wait. Rhett needs diapers and Avery's lunch account is down to $7.65. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Somebody Feed This Kid
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
His Latest Hobby

Look how serious he is! First, he lines them all up, as if he is "parking" them. He'll switch their spots about 40 times before they are all where they belong.
Interrupting this process elicits this look:

(As I type this, he is sitting at the kitchen table with three of the same cars, making what I assume he thinks are car noises. He is also using the girls' puzzle pieces to cause very loud "crashes.")
He still manages to stop and say "YEEEE!" (Cheese!)

Monday, November 10, 2008
Pics from the Mud Run
Anyway, the run was more fun than I had imagined. There were walls to climb, which left me with countless bumps and bruises, and big mud slides that I would give anything to do again right now. Doing this also made me feel extremely tough and strong. The only bad thing is this horrid blister I have on my left foot. I'll tell you this, folks: Running in combat boots just ain't natural!
So, aside from the bumps and bruises and that big ass blister, and a snotty nose from all the muddy water in my sinus cavity, I came away pretty unscathed. At least where it face was intact for family pictures Sunday morning, which was my main concern.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Today is Friday
Avery had a runny nose and was up all night long, crying and snotting all over the place. When the alarm went off, I tried to wake her and she wouldn't budge. I actually thought I would just call our neighbor and tell her to go to school without us because Ave needed to sleep. But she heard me dialing and bounced up and freaked out. She whined and griped all morning. Everything I did was wrong and she let me know it. I was worn out before the other two kids even got out of bed. I wanted to crawl back in my big, king-sized bed and just shut out the morning.
And then, this came in the room....

She was a little salty that I made her wear sweats today, but she spiffed it up with pink socks and tap shoes and all was right with the world.
This poor guy, however, is not so lucky. He has to wear sweat-capris because his mommy hasn't bought him any comfy sweats that are long enough this year.

But he has a "Rhett Pop Tart" (Reese's name for a Nutri Grain bar) so he's cool about the high waters for now.
Have a great Friday!!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Momma Wears Combat Boots
I, however, would LOVE to go somewhere trendy. In Miami. All dressed up, having adult conversation. Yep, I'm a little jealous.
But, as they say, the grass is always greener. Turns out, he is jealous of me right now. You'll never guess why. So I'll tell you. It's because I get to wear these:

Yeah, that's right. These are real, live military combat boots. Ok, they are GI-copy Jungle Boots. The real ones are twice the price, but I'm all about the cheap imitation.
I have to confess: I love them. I mean, I really love them. I look ridiculous in them and Avery says that, when I put them on with my real, live USED (not from a dead soldier - I checked) camo pants, she "knows I'm still her mom, but I look more like a dad." Every woman's dream, right?
Now, you might be wondering why I am wearing camo pants and combat boots. It's not because I'm trying a new fashion experiment. No, it's much more insane than that. I signed up to run a Mud Run on Saturday in Fort Worth. You are required to wear pants and at least ankle-high shoes. Since I don't have either of these items that I would allow to be soaked in mud, I ordered from the Army/Navy surplus store listed on the Mud Run website.
So, about this Mud Run: A friend of mine was on a team of girls and a girl dropped out. She thought I might like it and when she told me about it, I jumped on the idea. I like to have a fitness goal and I like to do unusual work out things. Then I read the website. This thing is not a fun run. It's a 10K obstacle course in the mud. Designed by a Marine. Hence, the name: Fort Worth Marine Corps Mud Run. I like the mud idea, but after reading people's testimonies, I'm a little nervous. These are some of the reminders: "When you are crawling, crawl on your belly, like Marines. Do not crawl on your knees." "Remember to empty your pockets of mud and water as much as possible." "When running/swimming through the "English Channel" (a ditch of water, apparently) go through the middle. If you try to go through the shallow part on the sides, you have to start over."
So now I'm nervous. I wasn't going to tell anyone. But I decided that, if I told everyone (all 40 of you) that I was doing it, then I have to do it. I will have to finish because I can't get on here Sunday and say "Oh, I gave up. I couldn't do it."
So, I'm doing it. I think it will be terribly difficult, but also totally hilarious and fun. I actually can't wait. My friend and I wore our boots to boot camp (How's that for irony?) this morning, to break them in, and got lots of attention. Everyone thought they were super cool...I may start wearing them all the time. I had them on with shorts the other day (again with the breaking in) and made quite a fashion statement to all the neighbors, I'm sure.
The point is, I'm doing the Mud Run. In combat boots and fatigues. And my husband is flying to Miami to have a big fancy dinner and stay in a very nice hotel. And we are jealous of each other. See? The grass is always greener. We always want what we can't have. You never know what you have until.....ok, you get the point.
I think that, next year, we should have my mom come stay with the kids, do the Mud Run together in the morning and go out for a fancy dinner later that night. Then everybody is happy. Good plan, huh? We'll just decide about that IF I survive this weekend....
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Poor, sad Grandpa.
Pity is Underrated
I like to vent to my friends and Lord (and those sweet friends) know I complain and vent alot. But I really, really, really don't want anyone to feel sorry for me. It makes me feel weak and it's embarassing.
Buuuuut, in the last few days, I may have changed my position. Last Friday, I was a bit hormonal and completely lost my mind because I couldn't leave the house to get a diet Coke. First of all, I go days without a diet Coke. We had been out for over a week. It rarely bothers me to NOT get a diet Coke. It's bad for you and I need more water anyway. But this day, I had a headache, all four kids were crying (my two, plus the two I babysit) and I was tired. And I wanted a diet Coke. Once I realized I couldn't leave to even run through Sonic (Hello? 4 car seats in a Toyota Highlander? Not happening) to get one, I broke down. I felt sorry for me. My husband called and I actually cried. I'm not proud of this, people, but I'm all about full disclosure when it comes to me being an ass.
Anyway, it was a long day without diet Coke. I finally got one after gymnastics around 4:30.
I didn't tell my friends about it until after the fact because, well, it's stupid. Plus, what do I want them to do? I mean, what do you say when your friend calls and says "I'm so mad I can't go get a Coke?" I mean, talk about putting someone on the spot. I know my sweet friends and I know any of them would have said "I'll bring you one" and I just couldn't handle that.
But, me being me, I have to tell every mundane detail of my life to anyone who will listen, so I mentioned it a few times over the weekend. Mostly to say how ridiculous I was, but also to let everyone know that I am HOME WITH FOUR BABIES ALL DAY EVERY DAY AND AM TRAPPED AT HOME which is my choice and I could stop at any time. But it's much more fun to play the martyr (read that last line with sarcasm) and whine.
I felt like a tool acting so pitiful, but you know what? I kind of think it's paying off. Yesterday at play group, all the other moms were scrambling around trying to help me clean things up, when we have a standing rule that it's your house, your mess. Then, this morning, I mentioned to my friend Jennifer that I was out of my appetite suppressants and wasn't going to get them until this evening. Guess what she did? She went and picked them up and brought them to me. Along with a Skinny Vanilla Latte.
And my other friend, Kealey, called me on her way to Michael's to buy craft stuff for a turkey disguise we have to do as a school project and asked if I wanted her to pick something up for me.
So I'm thinking...if you have really, really nice friends who will offer to do just about anything for you, go ahead and use pity to your advantage.
So here we go...this morning, I did full sit-ups on the cement and scraped the skin off of my boo-tay. It hurts bad. I probably need one of those donuts to sit on. Or maybe I need some alcohol. The drinking kind, not the rubbing kind.
Also, as I was getting out of the shower, my angel-baby, Rhett laughed out loud and pointed at my saggy boobs swinging around as I toweled off. So I need a boob job. But I can't afford one unless I keep about 12 more kids and that, my friends, ain't gonna happen.
There you have it. I need new boobs, vodka, and a donut for my bottom. Do what you will with that information. And feel free to pity me. If only because I'm a loser who writes about diet Coke and skinned butt cheeks on a website.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Diary of a Bad Mommy (Volume 9)
"No, Honey. Then we'll be really late. We're running home."
Sadly, Dad won't accept the present. He also won't answer them because he's too busy trying to hold back laughter. The laughter is, like their anger, directed at me. Because I'm a loser. And that's funny.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Fun Run
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I Have to Say It
Before you Obama supporters say "Oh God, another right-wing fanatic,", let me explain....
I don't think that Obama is the Antichrist, as some religious groups have suggested. In my opinion, that sounds ridiculous and frankly, a bit ignorant.
I also don't think that he is a terrorist. I don't believe that being friends with Bill Ayers makes Obama a bad guy. I do think that that friendship, combined with his quiet acceptance of the hateful, racist rantings of Jeremiah Wright, speaks to far-left leaning mentality, but I don't think Barack Obama himself is a bad guy.
I also don't think that, just because he campaigned for his cousin in Africa, who commandeered all sorts of violence when he lost his election, that means that Obama is a violent, hateful person. On the contrary. I truly believe that Barack Obama is a humanist. I believe that he genuinely believes in helping those less fortunate. And I admire that.
But here is my fear: Income redistribution is a slippery slope. I don't think America was founded on socialist principals and while Obama says he isn't socialist, his health care policies, as well as his economic policies say otherwise.
It sounds wonderful that we would tax big corporations while giving refund checks to people who are too poor to even pay taxes in the first place. It sounds very Utopian, very loving, very humane. But here's what will most certainly happen if you tax big corporations. They will either raise their prices to compensate for the tax increases, which hurts the consumer, or they will lay people off. Or both.
The middle class in this country is not what drives our economy. I'm married to a financial guy and even though he doesn't care much about politics, he says the basics are simple: the rich people are what keep this economy the rich and they quit spending or quit investing in our stock market, which makes the dollar value go down, which drives our economy into the toilet. Where it is now. Democratic policies got us into this mess....I'm so afraid that more liberal, democratic policies will seriously put us into a depression.
Not to mention that when he revokes the Bush tax cuts, we ALL will see a decrease in our monthly income. (yes, corporations, including oil companies will too, but like I said before...when their taxes go up, they will just put it out on us.) Because we, the upper middle class (Obama's definition of middle class is what I would consider "upper poor"), are going to suffer the most. We aren't rich enough to find tax loopholes and we aren't poor enough to benefit from Obama's policies. When he says 95% of Americans will not see an increase in their taxes, he's not lying. He's not going to raise your taxes. But he is going to eliminate the Bush tax cuts, which WILL raise your taxes in the long run.
The last thing is health care. I think our health care system is broken in that insurance companies have been allowed to jack prices up sky high so that people who are struggling can't afford basic health care. I think that is an outrage. But the fact remains that we do have one of the best health care systems in the country. Not financially, but medically. There is a reason that people from Canada, Sweden and other countries with socialized medicine come here for treatment. I, personally, have seen how the government runs things and the last thing I want them in charge of is my health care. Especially if I have a serious condition. Imagine if you are, God forbid, diagnosed with a malignant tumor. The doctor isn't sure he can treat it, but he has an experimental medicine he'd like to try. You think the government is going to TRY to heal you? No way. They are going to pay for the basics. There will be no more research or experimental treatment because there will be no money in it.
There. I just had to say it. I know it's the celebrity-cool, hip thing to do to be for Obama, but if you haven't looked at the facts of his economic policies, please do. PLEASE...Not the facts on his website, which (just as McCain's are) are spun to his advantage. Look at the facts on Bloomberg Television or CNN or Fox News Channel. Look at an objective website or TV channel and see if you can afford these policies. I know I can't.
And to my dear friends, and possibly family, who will vote for Obama next week...I still love you and when we all lose our asses in 2009, I won't hold you personally responsible. I will, however, ask you for a room in your house!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Happy Birthday, Sweet Reesie!
You are growing so much every day. I think we are both shocked that you are "FWEE!"
You are my girly girl. I love that, even when I make you wear pants, you find a way to make it "princess-y." I love that you will sit for 15 minutes, wearing a tutu over your clothes, waiting for your nails to dry.

Most of all, I love your sweet little personality. I love how you get so excited when you get to do something fun, or are given something "just for you," that you are so happy that you throw your arms around the closest person to give them an excited hug. Yesterday, when we brought your cake out and started singing, you were so excited that you just grabbed Avery and squeezed her.
Most of all, Reese-A-Roni, I love you. I hope you always remain a sweet, innocent, "bootiful pincess." You are amazingly wonderful. Happy 3rd Birthday, Baby Girl.