We decided, at the last minute, to drive up to Oklahoma to spend Thanksgiving with my family. Aaron and I haven't gone anywhere for Thanksgiving since we got married because of some issues with "fairness" on where we spend the holidays. (Divorced parents, in-laws, you know how it goes.) So, in order to be fair and eliminate drama, we've stayed home every year. Frankly, it gets lonely and doesn't really feel too "holiday-ish." Plus, it's kind of dumb to stay home based on what someone might say about where we went. So I asked him what he thought and he said he agreed that being with family is better than being alone. My mom and Nana were at my Aunt Judy's house in Tulsa for Thanksgiving so we got up early Thursday morning and made the 4 hour trek. We stuffed ourselves silly and then went on to Pawhuska. Even though Reesie got a tummy bug and threw up all weekend and twice on the drive home, the trip was well worth it. (I'm not sure my family wants us back at Christmas, though.)

Here are Grammy and the kids at Juju's. You can tell my kids are city kids because they are collecting landscaping rocks as if they are fossils in the forest.
Here's Avery holding our newest family member. This is Baby RJ, my little sister's youngest. He is 100 times more perfect and precious than he looks in this picture, which is amazing because I think this is pretty stinking cute.
Reese and Macy B. have finally reached an age where they are able to enjoy each other. It helps that they are both drama queens, both love playing babies and both think they are princesses. They were so cute together. Here they are playing their Leapsters in Macy B's room.
We also started, what I hope will become a new tradition. The kids, along with Nana and Grammy (sans a pukey Reese and a napping Rhett), went out to the "woods" to cut down a Christmas tree.
I love that my 87-year-old Nana is riding in the back of the truck with all the kids. And that Baby RJ is dressed like a woodsman, crying his little eyes out. It was COLD!
My brother Josh and my big, strapping husband cut down the tree. (I wish we had a forest nearby because I'd like to see him cut down trees more often.)
Meanwhile, I had been back at the house, making preparations for the birdseed, peanut butter and pinecone ornaments.
Did I mention the tree was for my mom's patio? It didn't go in the house. So it's not like there was peanut butter and birdseed all over her house.
Some of the kids enjoyed putting the ornaments on the tree. (Reese, JD, and Avery)
While others enjoyed the peanut butter and birdseed for other reasons. (Em, I promise we took it away from her. I just had to take a picture first!)

This picture has nothing to do with Thanksgiving, but I love it. It's my poor, sick baby Reesie, who was feeling so icky, she just walked around, looking for any place to lay her little head. It makes me so sad for her, yet I can't help smiling.
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