You were so tiny and precious and perfect. Not much has changed. You aren't so tiny anymore, but I still think you are precious and (almost) perfect.
You no longer have dark brown hair and you would never, ever allow me to dress you in head-to-toe pink or put a (gasp!) headband or bow in your hair. You do, however, still allow me to snuggle-buggle with you daily and hug and kiss you whenever I feel like it.
You have always been a child who knew what she wanted. Back then, you would scream and shout if you were wet, or hungry, or wanted to be held a certain way. Now, there isn't as much screaming and shouting about it, but you are always firm and strong in what you want. I like that about you. In fact, there are many things about you that I like and that I hope never change.
I like that you are fierce and determined. I love your strong will. I like that you know how to be silly, but can be all-business when it comes to school-work or sports. I love how sweet you are to your younger siblings. I love that you tell me sweet things for no reason. I love that you are able to have fun doing just about anything. I could look forever at your shining blue eyes and elated smile when you are excited about something. I like that you want your hair cut like a boy, but that the soft blonde curls around your face can't be tamed. I love that you dress yourself and wear whatever YOU want to wear, even if no one else wears black socks with shorts or blue stripes with camo shorts.
I fell in love with that sweet face 5 years ago and, even though I didn't think it possible, I love you more now than I did then. You bring more joy to my life than I ever imagined.
Happy 5th Birthday, Baby Girl.

Happy Birthday, Avery! It's good to be 5!
Ahhhh I remember holding you baby girl!!! You are still as precious now as you were then. Love you!!!
Aunt La-La
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