Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Half Empty/Half Full

Things I love about today (so far):

1. It's raining. Which means no slip n' slide in the backyard, which means no water/grass/mud track-in to be cleaned.
2. It's raining. Which means lots of snuggle-buggles on the couch, reading books and watching Cinderella.
3. Just got an email from Bath and Body Works. Today only special: Sugar scrubs for $9 each. I'm stocking up for gifts. Everyone I know will be getting a sugar scrub for their birthday/Christmas/Columbus Day gift this year.
4. I only have one child to babysit and it's the baby. Which means a quiet, calm, lazy day. I'm still in my jammies, in fact.
5. We had pancakes for breakfast. What is it about making pancakes for breakfast that makes it seem like a special day?
6. Wednesday is trash day. Which means a clean slate. No trash in the house for at least 30 minutes. Ah, smell the clean.

Things I don't love about today:
1. It's boot camp day. And since it probably won't be 104 degrees outside because of the rain, we'll have to run. A LOT. Right now, I'm not in the mood. Being in your jammies does NOT conjure up fantasies of running and sweating.
2. Kids inside all day. They will be bored by 2:00 p.m. And I'm babysitting, so we can't go anywhere to relieve our cabin fever.
3. The dishwasher is broken. So I can't run it. And it's full. I don't like handwashing forks and spoons. I think they need to be washed in steaming hot water so as to remove the cooties from all the licking.
4. Rhett AND the baby are poopy. So much for my deliciously clean, no-trash smelling house.
5. It's raining, so all the cornhusks in the backyard are wet and soggy. It looks disgusting and it's attracting birds. There are approximately 20 black birds in our backyard as we speak.
Why is there corn in our backyard? Answer will be posted tomorrow. Ah, the suspense!

Six to five? Not bad. That means that, so far, my glass is half full. Here's to keeping it that way! Have a good one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not bad!! Hey check your email your day could be worse you could be nursing all 3 of yours kids! SICK!!!