She got lots of toys and seemed to kind of understand that it was all for her. She said "birthday" (bit-day) alot. And "mine" and "me" so I think she got it.
We didn't actually party much when we got home because everyone had a bit of a cold, but on her actual birthday, which was Friday, I decided we were going to spend the whole day celebrating.
She awoke to curly ribbon on the light fixture. This is something I learned from my mom and I guarantee you this: If you put curly ribbon on your light fixture, it's an instant party and everyone who walks in knows there is something going on. My kids LOVE curly ribbon on the light. If you have never done this and you have small children, I suggest you try. All day, if someone said something to Reese about it being her birthday, she went to the light and pointed at the ribbon and said "Mine! ME! Bit-day!"
We went to story time at the library but had to leave because a strange little girl was stalking Avery and Avery almost started to cry and then Rhett had diarrhea all over his clothes, so we missed the actual story. But my intentions were good.
We went to McDonald's and had lunch and the girls played. I let them play for a LONG time, instead of the obligatory 10 minutes because, after all, it was Reese's bit-day.
We went to a Fall Festival at a church here in town later that night and the girls had a ball. They played games, danced on stage with a Christian rap group and Avery climbed a rock wall. Yeah, that's right. She climbed a rock wall. Come back tomorrow for those pics. I didn't want to steal Reese's thunder by posting them on her birthday page.

Here she is saying "I TWO!" I couldn't keep them off the table. Seriously, folks. The curly ribbon is all the decoration you need. Her party wasn't until Saturday and I promise you she and her sister both think the party was two days long, all because of the curly ribbon.

Here she is at the "real" party on Saturday. I don't even think she noticed the difference in this cake and the P-town cake. Amazing what a 2-day-old Irish Creme cake covered in Blow Pops can do for a child.
All in all, it was such a great weekend. I can't believe my little baby girl is already two. She still sometimes seems like a baby to me.
She is saying so many words now. I remember that her doctor was a bit worried because she didn't say much. My gut told me she was just more quiet than most and I think I was right. She copies everything her big sister does and tries to say just about everything her sister does. Here are a few of my favorites:
"peet" - feet (She has eczema on her feet and tells me "Momma, mine peet itchy."
"peep" - asleep (She always says this in a whisper..."Momma, Wet peep" (Momma, Rhett's asleep
"pop it!" - stop it
"peep up" - ketchup
"mean up"- clean up
My current favorite thing to ask her is "Reesie, where are you?" in a store or something because she always answers "White he" (right here) and it's the cutest thing ever.
I think she's just precious, can you tell?
Happy birthday, baby girl.
She is such a sweet doll!! I am a lil sad that we didn't post any pics of the costume on top of her clothes...ha ha...she cracks me up in those shoes!!
Wow, she is already 2! And you've already had another kid since then, bless your heart! She is doll baby Dodi!
oops, I am not some anonymous stalker.
Are those cupcakes under there? That is such a great idea. Happy BD little one.
too Cute!! Tell Reese Happy Late bday from Cort!
My mom and dad always tied balloons to our ceiling when we were asleep so when we woke up they were there! So fun!! That was the highlight of my day when i was little!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm best age, nice tight, bald,soft,warm, moist p----y ready to take my fingers nice an d deep and then lick her p---y until she shakes and bucks to orgasm and best of all.......TOO YOUNG TO TELL!!! why I get all the p---y I can from my granddaughters while I can
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