Ok, so on with the story.
Last night's bedtime routine started out like any other. The girls took a bath together, got out, dried off and ran around naked for a few minutes while I cleaned up the bathroom mess and put towels in the wash. They hadn't been out for more than 5 minutes when Reese came in the kitchen with a very worried, very upset look on her face.
"Momma, yuck. Momma, yuck." What is it, Baby? She did her 'yucky' face and made her gagging noise, which I have no idea how to type so you'll know how it sounds. I was fixing Rhett a bottle, so I yelled, "Avery, what is she saying?" "She's scared of a bug, but it's no big deal," Avery responds. So I continue what I'm doing, hand Aaron the baby and the bottle, and get Reese a diaper. Reese doesn't let it go. She is frustrated because I don't understand and she's very upset over the bug or whatever it is that she saw. Finally, I follow her to her room to see what is going on.
Avery is on the floor, reading a book (still naked) and isn't the least bit concerned with her sister's obvious panic and fear. I, however, spot the object of her distress immediately. I don't know whether to laugh, gag or cry, so I just run and grab the camera.

"Momma, tee? (see?) Yuck. Yuck." What is that, Reesie?
"Me! Me! Me!" (She is pointing to her bottom as she says this in great distress.)

"Me! Yuck! Poopy!"
Reesie, did you go poopy on the floor? "Yuck! Me! Mean up (Clean up), Momma."
I ask Avery if she has any idea what is sitting on the floor next to her. She barely looks up from her book and nonchalantly says "She's just scared of a bug, Mom." That's not a bug, Avery. Look at it.

"Is that POOP????" (Notice Reese nervously scratching her ear, waiting to find out if her sister is completely disgusted or a little bit proud of her.)
Yep, that's poop. "Who did it?" I would imagine Reese did it. (Laughs) "Reesie pooped on the floor!" (More laughter.)
After a few more minutes of distress and worry, Reese joins in the laughter. If Big Sister thinks it's ok, then it must be ok.

She proudly declares "ME DO IT! Poopy. ME!"
This reminds me of a very similar story! Some years ago, my sister, her husband, myself and their 2 year daughter were just looking around in this ritzy ( or so the workers thought ) women's clothing store. My niece, Dana, needed to use the rest room. They wouldn't let us use it! On the way out of the store, a couple of "poopies" dropped out of her diaper. We just kept walking.....Cindi :)
LOL that is great...she cracks me up...she was so concerned!! Love you guys, see ya Wednesday
I can't believe you had the guts to put this on...love it!!! Can't turn your back on those crazy kids for a minute...I mean I'm not really calling them crazy...don't get all Mike Gundy on me!
love ya
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