It's hard to let go of your babies. Especially for me. I'm a control freak and a worrier and I want all my little chicks under my wing at all times. But, if you want normal, well-rounded kids, you have to let them have some freedom, let them grow up, have experiences, see life. At least that's what they tell me.
So, I'm trying. My sweet sister, Aunt La La, has asked me several times if Avery could come spend a week with her family. My first thought was "Not no but hell no." I didn't think I could ever let my little baby girl leave me for a whole week. La La kept asking. She reminded me that, if we want our kids to be close, they are going to have to spend more than weekends and holidays together. I know she's right. And Avery LOVES going to P-town. Grammy lives there, as well as Uncle Josh, Auntie Em and their kids. In P-town, she has more freedom. There is lots of room to run, play and get dirty. I knew she would love it, even though I wasn't totally sure she would be able to spend several nights away from home. I finally gave in. I trust La La completely and if I'm going to start letting my kids be independent and well rounded, there's no better place to start than with family, right?
Ok, so Saturday, I met La La halfway (sorta) between here and P-town. I fully expected to be sobbing when I saw her drive away with my Doodlebug, but I didn't. I just said a little prayer that they'd be safe and that was that. I will admit that my heart was a bit heavy the rest of that day, but when they called and said that they had gone to the local store for some black cowboy boots so Ave could wear them to
Woolaroc the next day, that heaviness lifted and I knew this was going to be the best week Avery's ever had, to date. (By the way, the boots are horrid. Lauren said she had the choice between some "normal" brown ones and these black ones, which have red stitching and silver toes. My brother, Josh said she can either be a cowboy or do a Mexican hat dance in them. I can't wait to see them in person. I should have pictures any day now.)
Anyway, needless to say, she is having a ball. They got to shoot "real guns" at
Woolaroc, get inside a real Indian
tee pee and throw tomahawks. It's literally Cowboys and Indians around those parts and she's getting the full treatment this week.
I'm so glad she's having fun. And I do miss her, terribly, but it's been so good for Reese. She gets to be the big sister and I don't think she's had one meltdown since Avery left. It's like she's growing up a little bit too.
It's a good thing. Hard for me to let go and admit she's growing up, but good for her. That's what they call "bittersweet," right?