I made the mistake of telling her when I signed up a month before the actual tea party, so she asked me almost daily if today was her tea party.
The morning of the tea party, she was so excited, she could hardly stand it. But then, when we drove off and Avery and Rhett were in the backyard playing with bubbles, she started to cry. She wanted to go home. She cried and said she "doesn't like that tea party," and she wanted to go home and do bubbles.
I tried to keep my composure, but I'll be honest. I was a little pissed. I had raced home from boot camp, picked her up at Avery's football practice, raced home to shower and dress us both in 30 minutes, in order to drive 40 minutes away for a tea party. I told her to just be quiet because I was at least going to get my food that I paid for.
I didn't want to try to force her to actually sit down at the tea party because I know Reese and she has no inhibitions about screeching in public. So, we walked into the antique store and immediately, Reese liked it. There were all kinds of "pretties" that she wanted to look at. But she was still convinced she didn't want to stay for the tea party. I told her I was going to walk back to get our sandwiches and she followed.
It took exactly 3 seconds for her to see the tables, with hats and pearls for the kids', to change her mind. She said "Oh, Momma, this is beautiful. I want to sit here." In an instant, her attitude changed. She was suddenly a lady sitting down to tea. I've honestly never seen her so happy and excited about something.
All we did was sit for the first 5 minutes, waiting on the other people to sit down, yet Reese said at least 3 times, "Momma, this is so much fun!"
Here she is, waiting patiently for her tea.

Notice that she brought her little pink teddy bear. I was all set for her to bring her Build A Bear, dressed in it's princess dress, but at the last minute, she decided on this old, ratty bear that my Aunt Judy gave me when Avery was born.
Reese got her very own teapot and I swear, all she did for 30 minutes, was pour tea. She was in Heaven. I was on the verge of tears every time I looked at her shining, joyful face as she poured tea, talked like a little lady - "Mommy, could you please pass me that white stuff (cream)?"- and sat with her hands and napkin in her lap, eating as politely as I've ever seen her.
She especially enjoyed pouring tea for the bear. I would tell her to look away for a second and then I'd drink the bear's tea. Reese would turn around and it would be gone. I still think she believes the bear was drinking her tea, even though Reese couldn't seem to get the bear to take a sip.
Here she is, eating her cute little sandwiches, tea cakes, and fruit kabobs.
Even though the day started a little rocky, it turned out to be the perfect afternoon. I had such a fun time watching Reese and I think, for at least an hour that day, she felt as special and important as she really is.
that is the cutest thing i have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!
That is the sweetest face!!!!
I love the last picture...I've never seen her look so happy! I love Reese...and I wish I was closer so I could give her (and of course, all the rest of you) a squeeze!
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