Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ta Da!

Ta Da! I got my Christmas cards done, beating my pitiful performance last year by a good week. Last year, we procrastinated the whip that is the family picture until the last minute. I was 4 months pregnant and not in any hurry to put my fat self in front of the camera, or fight two small children who don't ever want to smile at the same time. We had a dancing Frankenstein by the camera and I would turn it on right before I turned on the timer to the camera...we did this about 22 times before we got a picture that is at least passable.
I believe I got my cards in the mail on December 20 and they went out the next day. We didn't order enough, so some people got left off the list. And boy, did I hear about that. And I'm not flattering myself. I know most people don't care if they get a card from us or fact, most people probably don't notice. But it's that one person who doesn't get one and finds out that someone else did that caused our problems last year. So I was on the ball this year. We tried to make the effort to get all slicked up for a family picture, but I just ended up sweating and crying because nothing fit me. Just when I finally found something that was tolerable for the back row of a picture, Rhett puked on his Christmas button-down. Aaron wasn't excited about wearing the same sweater for the third year in a row. So we threw in the towel, and I made a card with the three kids' separate pictures on it. And I got them in the mail last week. That's a whole week and a half before Christmas. I just spent this morning putting stamps on them and getting them ready to be mailed tomorrow.
But guess what? I ran out again. (I'm extremely popular and have tons of friends who are just dying for a card from us.) But this time, I had enough time to order more. So if you are one of the unlucky people who have a W or Y last name, you will get yours just in time to pack them away with all the rest of your Christmas stuff. But hey, it's better than last year. Next year, I may even get those pictures snapped around Thanksgiving. Wait. No. That's too much pressure on myself. There's a better chance of me not doing cards at all then actually getting it right next year. Oh well, I do what I can!

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